

  VOCABULARY: geography geology geophysics geopolitics archipelago bay beach border canal cape capital cliff climate coast coastline continent country delta demography dune Earth equator estuary fiord frontier glacier gulf hemisphere hill iceberg island Isle (in place name) N: north S: south E: este W: oeste PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES OF GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE EJEMPLO: canada is north of the USA mexico is south of the USA or canada is to the north of the USA mexico is to the south of the USA      Continents :  in; e.g. in Asia, in Europe Countries : in; e.g. in China Cities, towns, districts, provinces, counties, areas and villages: in; e.g. in Beijing, in Kowloon. Islands : on; e.g. on Lantau, on Hong Kong Island Mountains : single mountains - on; e.g. on Yellow Mountain, on Mount Everest, on the Peak Lakes and Rivers : on (e.g. on the surface) in (under the surface); e.g. a boat on the West Lake, swimming in the West Lake Seas and Oceans : in; e.g. in the Pacific Ocean, in the South China Se


VOCABULARY: Call to action Claim Controversial Counterargument Credible support Evidence POLITICAL TERMINOLOGY A government Politics A constitution A election Vote Campaing A democracy A monarchy A dictatorship SOME CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES: Censorship of books and movies Compulsory military service Prohibiting smoking indoors Lowering the driving age Raising the voting age HOW TO DEBATE AN ISSUES POLITELY That may be true, but I see what you mean, but Well on one hand... but in the other hand  That´s one way to look at it, but EDUCATION IS AN IMPORTANT IUSSE NOT: The education is an important issue NOT: Educations is an important issue NOT: the news about the politics is always interesting NOT: the news about the politcs are always interesting the word news is always singular. when it refers to a report in the press, on radio, TV, or the internet, it is commonly referred to as the news El infinitivo "to" y la forma "-ing" (el participio presente) pueden utilizarse


  VOCABULARY Light bulb Wheel Washing machine Fridge Penicillin Smartphone printing press Microscope Airplane Laptop World Wide Web Photocamera Experiment Explore imagine the wheel penicillin the X-ray SECOND CONDITIONAL El segundo condicional se usa para expresar la consecuencia de una acción o situación irreal en el presente o futuro.  EJEMPLO: If I won the lottery, I would travel around the world. If I had more free time, I would play more sport. Para hacer una oración en el segundo condicional, usamos: If + past simple, would/wouldn’t + verb. If I lived in a big city, I would go out more often. If I lived in a big city, I wouldn’t need a car. Como con todos los condicionales, también puedes invertir esta estructura: I’d go out more often if I lived in a big city. THIRD CONDITIONAL El tercer condicional se considera un condicional irreal, puesto que se refiere al pasado, pero no a lo que realmente ocurrió, sino a lo que podría haber ocurrido y a cómo es


VOCABULARY: Birthday – My birthday is on a Sunday this year. April Fools’Day – April Fools’Day is also one of the year’s shortest holidays. Christmas – Are you going home for Christmas? Father’s Day – I will call my dad on Father’s Day. Easter – They always go to church at Easter. Halloween – I wore a dress to a Halloween party once. International Women’s Day – In International Women’s Day, her husband gave her a bunch of beautiful flowers. Mother’s Day – We sent Mom flowers for Mother’s Day. Labor Day – Wishing you a very restful and joyous Labor Day. New Year’s Eve – We’ll have a party on New Year’s Eve. Thanksgiving – I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving. Summer vacation – During his summer vacation he visited Russia. Valentine’s Day – She received a bouquet of red roses on Valentine’s Day. International Children’s Day – On International Children’s Day, kids are entitled to free entry to all city parks. Wedding – We haven’t decided on a date for the wedding yet. RELATIV


VOCABULARY leave school get a degree travel the word start a career get promoted settle down start a family retire WAS/WERE GOING TO Usamos was/were going to para hablar sobre planes que hicimos en el pasado y no sucedieron o no sucederán en el futuro. RECORDEMOS: Sujeto + was/were + verbo en infinitivo I - was YOU - were HE - was SHE - was WE - were THEY - were EJEMPLO:  We were going to spend the weekend in Paris Después de was/were going to, siempre usamos infinitivos. EJEMPLOS:  I was going to… (Yo iba a…) You were going to… (Tú ibas a…) He was going to… (Él iba a…) She was going to… (Ella iba a…) It was going to… (Eso iba a…) We were going to… (Nosotros íbamos a…) You were going to… (Usted iba a…) They were going to… (Ellos iban a…) Negaciones y preguntas con  was / were going to También se puede usar was / were going to para formar preguntas y negaciones. NEGACION: I  wasn’t going to get the job. He decided he wasn’t going to move to London. PREGUNTA: Didn’t you say you were g

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